Professionally Designed

A property that is professionally designed & furnished will sell much quicker, sell for more, and bring a much larger return on investment. People buy on emotion, and often buyers cannot visualize the space and how furnishings will look in it. When someone walks through a beautifully furnished space it speaks to their emotions, and that is what makes the sale. A professional designer knows the end-clients’ needs & possesses the knowledge of the design details and how to create the look that will earn the most profit of a space. Hi, I am Brenda. Being a design professional for over 20 years in addition to working with businesses for over 25, my goal is to be an extension of your team- to help you create the interiors and turn-key furnishings for your properties in a convenient way to bring you the largest return on investment and make you profitable and help you make a life- not just a living.

Return on Investment
  • Re-sale value can be increased $10-20K
  • Up to 75% less time on the market
  • Will sell for 6-25% more over the asking price
  • For every $100 invested, potential return is $400 on avg.
  • Rents for 32% more on avg.


Furniture Collage


Get In Touch with:


Brenda Cooper,
Allied ASID & Interior Designer